GASiQ Optimator® - You must carefully search for a better return on investment!
Most companies working in MIG/MAG and TIG welding know very well the price of welding wire per kilogram. However, relatively few know that the cost of the protective gas is at least as high per metre of weld. GASiQ Optimator® is designed for one purpose only, namely, to reduce the consumption of expensive gas, generally by 30%. Just a few months of using GASiQ Optimator® and you will receive a refund of your money - the rest is pure profit.
GASiQ Optimator® provides optimised shielding gas flow from the very first second. Any traditional controller will not control the initial rapid flow, which is unnecessarily high and very expensive. In the worst cases, this excessive increase represents up to 50% of the total shielding gas consumption! The higher the frequency of starts, the more gas will be wasted and the more money you can earn when you switch to GASiQ Optimator®.
GASiQ Optimator® ensures an optimum initial flow rate of approx. 1/4 of the initial flow rate of the conventional controller. This will help you to save shielding gas. Smooth initial flow also allows for better weld quality as you minimise the turbulences that often affect the welding process.
Since we are talking about quality, it is important to know that GASiQ Optimator® can be equipped with a gas flow control lockabel. This is an advantage when it is required to meet the highest requirements for welding quality, such as ISO 9000 certification.